Fisher, D. (2024). The Ebb and Flow of Far-Right Extremism with Public Education within the United States, Virtual Symposium on the Mainstreaming of Extremism in U.S. State and other Public Institutions, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Becker, M. and Fisher, D. (2024) Eroding deterrence for terrorism: The impacts of sanctuary messages on the emboldenment of online preparatory actions for the January 6th. Terrorism and Social Media Conference 2024, Swansea University, Wales.
Fisher, D. and Fabiani, M., (2024). Deforestation and Terrorism in South America: Fueling Economic Growth to Decrease Terrorism or Just Fueling Terrorism. American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Fisher, D., & Dugan, L. (2022). The predation and inertia of conspiracy theories. Presented at The FarRight: Examining its Roots and Challenging its Reach symposium, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Fisher, D. and Kearns, E. (2021). Theorizing Terrorism within Criminological Scholarship. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Fisher, D. and Dugan, L. (2021). How U.S. Actions toward Muslims Affect the Targeting of U.S. by Jihadi Terrorists. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Fisher, D. and Fabiani, M. (2021). United States Presidential Terrorism Communications: Aggravating or Countering Terrorism? American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Dugan, L. and Fisher, D. (2021). Violent Hate Toward Arabs in the U.S.: Is it Emboldened by our Federal Government? American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Becker, M., Fisher, D., Carson, J., and Dugan, L. (2021). Using Web Scraping for Prospective Data Collection: Examining Online Radicalization and Mobilization Toward Political Violence. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Scocca, J., Dugan, L. and Fisher, D. (2021). Unanticipated Externalities from Police Shootings of Black Men. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Fisher, D., and Asal, V. (2019). Before and During Iraq: Was Insurgent Lethality Impacted by the Invasion of Iraq? NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) - “The Post ISIS-era: Regional and Global Implications.” Washington, D.C.
Dierenfeldt, R, Fisher, D. and Carson, J. (2019). A Comparative Analysis of Terrorism by Firearm. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Fisher, D. and Dugan, L. (2019). How Acts by the U.S. Government and Terrorism affect Violence Against Muslims. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Dugan, L. and Fisher, D. (2019). How U.S. Actions toward Muslims Affect the Targeting of U.S. by Jihadi Terrorists. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Fisher, D. and Hefner, M. K. (2019). Out of the Comfort Zone: Teaching in Non-Traditional Settings. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Young, J., Fisher, D., and Asal, V. (2019). Target Them with What? Why states choose different COIN strategies for different insurgent organizations. International Studies Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, ON.
Fisher, D., and Cherney, A. (2018). The Impact of Terrorism on Support for Sub-State Violence: Lessons from Nepal. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
Dugan, L., Fisher, D., and Chenoweth, E. (2018). The Evolution of U.S. Actions toward Muslims and Terrorists’ Reponses to Them. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
Fisher, D., Dugan, L., and Chenoweth, E. (2018). What the United States Government Does and Says Matters. "Is there an After After 9/11" Workshop. Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, CA.​
Fisher, D. (2017). United States Presidential Terrorism Communications: Aggravating or Countering Terrorism?. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
Liu, B., Fisher, D., and Dugan, L. (2017). Dyadic Discourse in Political Violence: Introducing Strategic Communication Around Terrorism (SCAT) Data. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.